Social Media Specialist Turiya Hodge says that social media is a serving tool. She says that even though business owners are encouraged to position products and services on the web they should look at social media as a way to serve customers and not just a means to sell to them.
Turiya says “ You might put out a message, you might do a post, you might drop a video. And you’re looking at social media and you might see your stats, you know. You might not have a like, or you might not have a comment, or your engagement might not be where you want it to be or where you think it should be. And then all of a sudden out of the blue, you go to a networking event, you go out into your community, or someone reaches out to you on a platform and says, “you know what? I’ve been listening, I’ve been following you”. You said X, Y, Z, and this is how this has had an impact on my life. These are the things that I’ve been able to do since you’ve shared that message. And it’s just that thing. It’s the thing with social media, we have the ability to create these amazing experiences, you know, for our audience. And a lot of times we don’t know that these things are happening, that this is the impact that we’re having on people until someone, you know, shows up and shares and says, this is how, what you’ve shared has impacted me. And so that’s one of my joys with social media. And that’s why I encourage all of my clients, my audience is to never stop, you know, doing what you’re doing, never stop serving. “
Turiya believes that social media allows businesses to put out their messages into the world and attract their devine client.
For Turiya social media is different from traditional marketing which encourages businesses to go out and hunt for customers and clients. She believes that social media allows customers and clients to find the businesses.
Turiya can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter