How to Begin a Podcast

How to Start a Podcast

Do you want to start a podcast? Are you overwhelmed by the entire process and don’t know where to begin? It’s time to take the first step and JUST START.

In today’s post, I’ll share some tips on how to start a podcast. Although the following steps are not exhaustive, I hope you learn a thing or two by reading along.

Step #1: Carve Out a Niche for Your Podcast

Before you put in all the work to launch a podcast, it’s important to figure out the topic you’re passionate about. Before committing to a topic, do some research on similar podcasts to see how they’re run. Make Google your best friend and use other free resources available on blogs, YouTube, and so on to educate yourself. 

Step # 2: Pick a Name for Your Podcast

Picking a name for your podcast should be relatively easy after you’ve carved out your niche. You want a name that is clear, specific, yet catchy. Typically, your listeners should easily know what your podcast is about by its name. Although platforms include a brief description for podcasts, often people don’t read them. Talk to others in your industry in order to get  inspiration for your podcast’s name

Step #3: Get a Microphone and Other Editing Tools

With all the technological advancement in today, podcasting has become easier. You can record your podcast at home with a good microphone, an editing software, a computer, and some good headphones. You can use applications like Zoom to interview guests. Some editing beginner-friendly software include Audiogram or Audacity.

Step 4: Select Your Podcast Hosting

While you can stream your podcasts using Apple podcasts, Spotify, and/or Google podcasts, all podcasts need a host: a place to distribute and store your podcast’s audio recordings. Hosts charge a monthly service fee to host files and generate the feed required to submit your podcast to podcasting directories. Examples of some podcasting hosting services include: Libsyn, Podbean, Blubrry, and Anchor.

Step # 5: Record Your First Episode

The next step is to record the first episode as soon as you have completed the steps above. First off, you need to write a script. Next, choose a suitable environment and create an intro and outro. Then comes the moment for which you’ve been waiting for, you’re ready to record your first episode. Afterwards, use an editing software to edit the files or hire someone to do that for you.            

So, if you made it to this point, then you are certainly ready to give podcasting a shot. As a final word of encouragement, remember  that every expert was once a beginner!

Here’s to your successful podcasts in 2021 and beyond!

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