Steve Gatter is a self-employed underdog, who teaches other underdogs how to use Linkedin to acquire new customers . Steve believes that if you are also self-employed, or the key person in your business, you too may be an underdog.
He is an author – having written the eBook, The Best Ever Linkedin Profile for Networking – a 12 page thriller on how to write a Linkedin profile for networking success.
The founder of Street Smart Sales Forum – an open think tank for micro business owners to share ideas and challenges about doing business in today’s internet dominated market.
His career includes residential mortgage lending, unsecured consumer loans, a couple of MLM endeavors and most recently,
He is a graduate of Wake Forest University and an advocate for underdogs everywhere. ” Small is beautiful. Be Defiant, outwit the giant.”
You can find out more about Steve on his website ( and of course on LinkedIn!
You can listen to Steve Gatter on Stitcher Radio and leave a review as well. Stitcher is radio on demand and is mobile friendly.