
Julian Kiganda talks about Finding Your Authentic Self

Finding Your Authentic Self

Julian Kiganda, a transformational brand strategist, award-winning designer, author, and speaker, shares insights on her book ‘Whose Shoes Are You Wearing?’, co-authored with her sister, which explores the unique cultural and Christian perspectives on self-help and professional development. They discuss themes of personal growth, overcoming trauma, dealing with energy vampires, and the importance of boundaries. […]

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Aunty Judith talks about the power of joy

The Power of Joy

Judith Bullen, the host’s aunty, was born in Jamaica and is currently an American citizen. She talks about how she went from teaching Spanish in high school to writing Hiding, Thinking, Being, and Present Joys. The conversation covers her life’s significant events, her love of writing, art, and gardening, as well as the deep insight

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